About my Blog

Source: giphy.com

How I Began Blogging 

My dad saw how much I love scribbling and doodling. But, uh-oh, most of the things that I create gets lost and some became useless because I never had a proper place to store it. 

So, guess what? My dad had a super-duper idea! He made a blog for me, just to store whatever I write or create when I am too young to care all of them. 

Oh, and you know what? My dad has a blog too!. 

He blogs at  (http://dumchowangdi.blogspot.com/p/home.html). 

My dad told me that he lost many of his stories, poems, and drawings made when he was a young student. He says that it makes him sad for not having any place to find those works that he was able to do when he was a little kid. That is why, he does not want that to happen to me. Instead, he helped me to create a blog, just like his. And I write about what I did in the school. 

That is how my blog was born! Yay! 

How I Blog 

After school, I do a fun thing! 

I write down five things I did at school that day. All those things happened in my classroom with my super nice teachers. 

Then, I tell my dad all about it. If I am not able to spell a word or make a sentence, he gives me a hand. Teamwork!

When I am all done writing, my dad takes a picture of my work and puts it on my cool blog! Go team! 📸📚✏️

Way Forward

In the future, when I get a bit older, my dad wants me to take care of my blog all by myself. I have agreed to continue my work because I want to keep doing what I love – writing!

I am going to write mostly about me and my awesome family. It is going to be so much fun! 🌟📝 

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